Oil Painting A-480 - Paintings Sales - Oil Painting A-480

Pictura in Ulei A-480

(L) 75 x (h) 105 cm

Pictura in ulei pe panza

Colectia noastra este realizata de experimentati artisti japonezi si chinezi, cu o larga experienta in reproducerea picturilor celebre din muzee renumite ale lumii. Picturile sunt solicitate de unii dintre cei mai rafinati si pretentiosi colectionari ai lunii.


Availability: 1 în stoc

* Oil Painting A-480 – ENVIRONMENT: oil paint, oil painting on canvas.
Tehnica: pictura manuala
Culorile sunt vii, structurate pe multe straturi, ceea ce face tabloul un punct important in camera
Garantam 100% satisfactie

An important aspect when choosing a painting, like Oil Painting A-480, is that of the dimensions. Depending on the position you want, it should fit perfectly.
To stand out, the paintings need a correct positioning: placement at eye level.
We recommend that we do not choose more than three large and heavy paintings in a room, otherwise we risk that we need to clutter the space unnecessarily.
And lighting plays an important role when we want to highlight a painting.
It is recommended to avoid positioning a painting in front of a light source because light will influence how the painting can be perceived.

Check out our flower category paintings, or our Facebook page

Dimensiuni 75 × 105 cm


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It is known that nothing has the power to animate, complete and bring a good mood to a room more than a painting succeeds.

Our store sells classic or modern paintings framed in a wooden frame and painted on canvas. All our paintings give the room an attractive appearance and the welcoming “home” feeling.

Choose one of our hand made oil paintings to represent you, to fill your house with positivity and joy and to complement the style of each room.

That way, the house will always be the place where you want to return.
